Tuesday, March 25, 2014

Make Oracle Table Read Only

It is a good idea to protect a static table from being modified by making it read only. Command "alter table .. read only" does precisely that. The following example shows how it works.

SQL> create table tbl_test (id number, message varchar2(64));

Table created.

SQL> insert into tbl_test values(1,'Hello');

1 row created.

SQL> alter table tbl_test read only;

Table altered.

SQL> insert into tbl_test values(2,'World');
insert into tbl_test values(2,'World')
ERROR at line 1:
ORA-12081: update operation not allowed on table "MYSCHEMA"."TBL_TEST"
As we can see, after we make the table read only, we can not insert data into the table. We can still run the following queries against read only tables.

1. Select from a read only table.
SQL> select * from tbl_test;

        ID MESSAGE
---------- ----------------------------------------------------------------
         1 Hello
2. Create index on a read only table
SQL> create index tbl_test_idx on tbl_test(id);

Index created.
3. Rename a read only table
SQL> rename tbl_test to tbl_test_b;

Table renamed.
4. Drop a read only table
SQL> drop table tbl_test_b;

Table dropped.

Finally, to restore a read only table to a writable table, we use the command "alter table ... read write" as shown below. Once a "ready only" table becomes "read write", we can insert data into it.
SQL> alter table tbl_test read write;

Table altered.

SQL> insert into tbl_test values(2,'World');

1 row created.

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