An Oracle materialized view is a very useful feature in situations including data refresh on regular basis. When we create a materialized view, it takes a snapshot of query result and store it physically. This is different from a view where only query logic is stored with the view. Once the materialized view is created, its content does not change until it is refreshed. When we need to refresh the materialized view, one way to do it is to use dbms_mview.refresh().
SQL> create materialized view mv_test_refresh as select sysdate dt
from dual;
Materialized view created.
SQL> select to_char(dt, 'YYYYMMDD:HH24:Mi:SS') from mv_test_refresh;
SQL> exec dbms_mview.refresh('mv_test_refresh');
PL/SQL procedure successfully completed.
SQL> select to_char(dt, 'YYYYMMDD:HH24:Mi:SS') from mv_test_refresh;
Alternatively, we can create a refresh group to include materialized views that we want to refresh. Then we can run dbms_refresh.refresh() to refresh all materialized views included in the group.
SQL> exec dbms_refresh.make(name=>'test_grp', list=>'mv_test_refresh',
next_date=>sysdate, interval=>'null');
SQL> exec dbms_refresh.refresh('test_grp');
PL/SQL procedure successfully completed.
SQL> select to_char(dt, 'YYYYMMDD:HH24:Mi:SS') from mv_test_refresh;
We can also schedule when a materialized view will be refreshed automatically. That will be the topic of another post.