Monday, December 08, 2014

Display Long CLOB Text in Sqlplus

In the following example, the display of CLOB text is truncated.

SQL> create table tbl_test (id number, val clob);

Table created.

SQL> insert into tbl_test values(1,'this is a test.ddlkjdfklj dflkjdlkj 
 jdfhi  dfdlkjflkdlkoieuiooiop jdofoidu  baskjhfp  dfdk dkfiegps 
  dfdalkfaidel hdlfjdlflkd dafjdflkdi igod kdigl dfodfud');

1 row created.

SQL> select * from tbl_test;

this is a test.ddlkjdfklj  dflkjdlkj  jdfhi  dfdlkjflkdlkoieuiooiop 
jdofoidu  ba

We can use "set long" to specify how many bytes of CLOB to display. In the following example, "set long 2000" tells sqlplus to display up to 2000 bytes of CLOB text.
SQL> set long 2000
SQL> select * from tbl_test;

this is a test.ddlkjdfklj  dflkjdlkj  jdfhi  dfdlkjflkdlkoieuiooiop 
jdofoidu  baskjhfp  dfdk  dkfiegps   dfdalkfaidel hdlfjdlflkd dafjdflkdi
 igod kdigl dfodfud 

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